Top 3 Consumer Insights Challenges


Advertising's 3 Major Consumer Insights Challenges

And How To Overcome Them

Advertising has come a long way since the Mad Men “Golden Age”— a time with low competition, incredible reach, and a singularly focused consumer.

Today, advertisers have it tough. Despite consumers being glued to their smartphones at astronomical rates, upwards of 5 to 6 hours for Americans, reaching them is harder than ever.

A large part of today's advertising woes centers around consumer insights. Privacy concerns and regulation shifts have made accurate data less accessible. Combine that with short attention spans and rapidly evolving consumption habits, and it’s easy to see how much work advertisers have cut out for them today.

In this guide, we'll explore:

  • The top 3 challenges facing advertisers today
  • How to overcome them
  • Next steps for your ad program to harness the power of consumer insights.

Download the free guide to get started today.

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